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Learner By Himel


                                     A   Friend In Indeed Is A Friend Need


             Dividing Of The Bread Between Two Cats

In a house there were two cats once. Children once took something that they were not supposed to, namely a piece of bread from the neighboring house. Though, a problem arose as to who will feed the cats, as each of them wanted a bigger share. When they could not make any decision, they left for a wise monkey After they told this to the monkey, and asked him to cut the bread in halves. He tore the bread into two with his hands and put them on a pair of scales that was in the presence of the monkey. He informed the cats that one piece became heavy. Then the monkey took continued doing the same thing again and again until the last piece of bread was left. The monkey was now requested by the cats to return that part to them. Yet, the monkey alleged to have striven so hard in the process of dividing the read above within and between the variables in equal measure. . So he demanded it as his pay. Sying so the monkey ate up that piece also The inference we get is that while the monkey was scolding he ate up that piece of food as well. Finally, the cat departed that place very sad but at least the occurrences made them wiser as well.

                                                              The Statue Of Liberty

                                  tree plantation

Tree planting is synonymous to digging more and more holes to to plant the trees therein. Typically, for us it turns out to be really important for us. Being honest, we cannot survive without trees and let us consider the primary accesses that trees provide to help human beings in their daily lives. They supply commodities among them are; timber and fruits. We also get timber from trees, and use it in construction of homes as well as in making of other items such a furniture. Even though to its capability, it can well deal with the forest management sometimes, it over cuts the trees and that is not pleasing. And if we go on cutting down the trees the resulting scenario that is before us is like a desert and this is obviously not advisable at any cost for anyone of us as well as for the animal species that are present in the forests .

Yes, trees are very charitable as they provide so many crucial services to mankind. They give unto us breath with and take away from the air a thing called carbon the sight of which is bad in air. Trees equally have the duty of regulating the different balances of affairs in the natural environment. They play a critical role of making sure that the environment that subdivides the society is relatively clean and contains little pollution. They also assist in making rain which is important to the plants that we grow as well as the foods that we take. There are facts stated to influence them that birds and animals rely on trees and if people fail to produce trees they might end up being victims of houseless ness.

Easy Remember Higher Education in Bangladesh Paragraph

Sometimes after you are through with your schooling system, you may wish to further your education and this may involve going to a university. Education that occurs at this level is known as higher learning. Everyone could easily relate to college education as the level higher than that of school. In Bangladesh, there are two kinds of universities: Transport also comes in two categories which are the public transport and private transport. Government universities are funded by monies from the government calendar while the private universities are funded by other individuals or organizations.

Currently the country has 37 public university only 5 can be classified under the private universities. This is also accompanied by about 79 new private universities. These places offer various conceptions that include arts, science and even engineering. They have the library centres and laboratories for the students to expand their knowledge. Some of them even house the students and or have campuses specifically for hosteling.

However, still the number of universities is not sufficient in our country. The inference that can be drawn from this is that it becomes virtually impossible for anybody to attend university. Many students want to go, but they cannot financially get there. So, let me rephrase that: Every year lots of students finish school but they can’t go for their higher education. This is in relation to Money Issues.

In its nature it is a very big problem area and again it will not be solved over night As with many other fields of psychology, in its nomenclature alone it has a very vast some even consider it a problem area and again the solutions will not be over night. University education requires expansion through addition of more universities across the country, and at the same time we require better functional facilities. It is owing to this fact that the government should endeavour to make this happen. Hence, it is a problem that everyone should care for and take action on.

Education After School in Bangladesh and its Importance to Get a Good One

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