Paragraph,English paragraph,Paragraph writing,English paragraph writing,A Good Citizen,May day,Mother’s Day,World Mother Language Day

Learner By Himel


                                     A Good Citizen

The value of an asset in relation to the nation is a decent citizen. One needs to possess some good and rather peculiar qualities if he wants to be a good citizen. Every good must have interest to receive proper education. Yes this is important since by getting insight of responsibilities we are able to do our work as required. Every society actually has its own principles or laws that people within that particular society have to follow. These are herein deemed necessary with a view of ensuring that there is stability and order within a society. A lawful person tries to ensure that there is order and no breach of the law to ensure that there order and that there is harmony in society. An honest man or woman to the core will want to ensure that social order and free from conflicts then has to ensure he or she is following all of these laws. In becoming good citizens, people have to learn to be nice fellows as well. He must emulate the social, moral and psychological endowments. He must be fully committed to his own work, of that there can be no doubt. He is friendly and courteous with better persons. The most prominent features of the protagonist are his Thuthulness, intelligence, and reliability, and truthful nature. Something he has to ensure is that he gives his duties his best shot. Indeed, a good citizen is an actual idol, whose actions and thoughts, as well as the current orientations and opportunities, lead his society and his nation to success and happiness.


In other words, responsibility can be defined as a duty or an obligation to something. For instance, there is a need to be responsible for catering for one’s parents especially when they are elderly. Going to school and doing his studies rightly and so on. He also has responsibilities to neighbor. to the society and particularly to the government. Once more, a responsibility involves an obligation or a duty not to perform an action that is prohibited. He cannot touch anyone with violence or do anything that would be inflammatory or irreverent to others. Our to others. The government we choose to have many responsibilities such as the duties to meet the needs of its people. This segment of the government also has the responsibility of protecting the citizens’ fundamental rights. Thus, it is good for oneself to discharge duties with skills and attitudes. This is perhaps one of the most profound ways explaining why He died customarily for his friends and family  for his community  for his nation.

 The focus of the eight videos can be categorised into two broad           categories  Outdoor pastimes and Indoor pastimes 

All personalities are made and shaped in rather incredible manners by their hobbies. . It feeds our soul. Recreation is of two kinds-outdoor and indoor. In fact, the type and nature of pastime are in relation to the age and the taste of the person that is engaged in. Especially children and adolescents, enjoy spending their time outdoors constructing weasels, feeding birds and equally playing with conkers and daisy chains. Little children specially. Actually, puppets are recognized as indoor activities of choice for girls. Such things as playing with motor cars, toy boats, origami etc., hiking, bird watching, sight seeing, visiting historical sites, and spending time with the family are some of the things which young energetic and financially stable people would like to do. It is however widely acknowledge that majority of elderly people prefer to spend their free time at home. Among the numerous and popular indoor activities which involve a sizable population, watching television programs, reading books and gossiping are well known. There are some extremely clean parks in terrestrial cities. The population normally goes to the parks seeking entertainment during the holidays. Out of the many outdoor pastime bird watching is now getting mechanical day by day people wish to come out of from the suffocation of the busy life and spent some time away from the noise and crowd. Thus, what once was considered a leisure activity, be it an open-air or indoor one, is gradually turning into a necessity in today’s already established schedule.

                         Changing trends of pastimes

                  Recreation in Town and Country

 The urban dwellers are definitely in a position to gain all the modern comforts. Apart from this, their life is too mechanized. Thus, they attempt to ‘goo’ out of din and bustle of the urban way of living. The usually go to the park, visit zoo and amusement parks with their Children, besides watching T.V hiking, bird watching, camping among other activities are common among people in Urban areas. But several facilities of modern life are denied to the rural people; Therefore, they can gossip in their Bangladesh. Therefore, people are now enjoying; the act of watching TV. Moreover, curses, Jatra jargon, Shargan, and snake charming. Magicians, jugglers etc. are still enjoyed by audience in the rural area even today. Village people also like our native games such as Kabadi, football, hadudu and etc. Moreover, very often they make a storm on the cup of teas in the tea stand about the political situation of the country. Hence, it becomes incumbent to conclude that pastimes of the urban people are not the same as the pastimes of the rural people.

                           Leisure Activities

Overall leisure time has a great impact on an individual. Leisure, as a rule, is time when people do not perform work that directly brings revenue or payments in one way or another. However, leisure means free time and does not mean that an individual is idle; it just states that the person is not tied to a set time of activities and/or work. Many interesting things can be done by a man when he has spare time. It exists, that is, some people like listening to music. This is S There are some other people who like to garden or to read books. In fact leisure is very provoking to creativity. There are many great suggestions that a man can work out in his spare moments and this proves that a man can easily flourish his creativity. On the contrary, free time provides a guy with a lot of chance to achieve reason or becoming sane. It conveys the spirit to man to work more and more. The subject of leisure activities is given a central focus in most of the developed countries. Here in Germany, there is a leisure association with a German nationality. Rural people of Bangladesh spend their leisure time gossiping is a well-known fact. But people have no leisure in large busy cities and they pass their time watching television. Nevertheless Leisure is a portion of our life. Thus when used, it was done in a correct manner.

                                    May day

Today they are paid their minimum wage. They have job security. that other safety laws and eight-hour working time etc On May 3, 1886, police fired at strikers where others were seriously injured and many remain unknown number of the employees were harmed by the bullets fired. Factory laborers including children were made to work long hours and sometimes up to fourteen hours a day since the onset of the Industrial Revolution. In 1880s, a new movement for eight hours’ day appeal both the organised workers through trade unions and the unorganised workers, May day had been an icon for the workers all over the world. On this day they recommit themselves to struggle against tyranny and for mankind’s freedom. It is the day which mobilizes the workers to be strong to fight for what they want to obtain. May Day is traditionally considered a worldwide celebration of the working people. This day helps the laborers to remember that they do not have to be exploited at their workplace, and instead demand better wages, remunerations, or any favorable working conditions.

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    Paragraph,English paragraph,Paragraph writing,English paragraph writing,A Good Citizen,May day,Mother’s Day,World Mother Language Day

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